Body healing tones

337 hz This tone helps to stimulate normalized blood circulation.

537 hz This tone helps to normalizes endocrine system function. The endocrine system is a collection of glands that produces hormones to regulate the body’s growth, metabolism, sexual function and development.

625 hz This tone helps to stimulate your kidney function

635 hz This tone helps to stimulate your pituitary function. The pituitary is a pea-sized gland located at the base of the brain, and surrounded by bone. The hypothalamus, another endocrine organ in the brain, controls the function of the pituitary gland by providing “hormonal orders.” In turn, the pituitary gland regulates the many hormones that control various functions and organs within the body. The posterior pituitary acts as a sort of storage area for the hypothalamus and passes on hormones that control function of the muscles and kidneys. The anterior pituitary produces its own hormones which help to regulate several endocrine functions

645 hz This tone helps to increase the HGH Production (Pituitary)

654 hz This tone helps to stimulate your pancreas function.

662 hz This tone helps to stimulate your pineal gland. When activated, the pineal gland becomes the line of communication with the higher planes. The crown chakra reaches down until its vortex touches the pineal gland. Prana, or pure energy, is received through this energy center in the head. With practice, the vibration level of the astral body is raised, allowing it to separate from the physical.

696 hz This tone helps to stimulate your heart function.

751 hz This tone helps to stimulate your liver function.

763 hz This tone helps to stimulate your thyroid function. A properly functioning thyroid gland is extremely crucial for your metabolism and when it doesn’t work correctly many of your bodily functions can suffer.

764 hz This tone helps to normalize your nervous system function.

835 hz The tone helps to normalize your immune system function.

1335 hz This tone helps to stimulate your adrenal function. The main purpose of your adrenals is to enable your body to deal with stress from every possible source, ranging from injury and disease to work and relationship problems. They largely determine the energy of your body’s responses to every change in your internal and external environment.

1565 hz This tone helps to balance your spiritual well-being.

You can download the above tones in ZIP fromat here!

Multi-tone+This tone helps to heal acne. This track is composed of several frequencies: 0.05, 0.37, 0.83, 2.50, 3, 73.30, 383.75, 387, 389.00, 393.00 hz. All frequencies are played simultaneously accompanied with background ambience. (This track is not included in the ZIP file)

Multi-tone+This tone helps to relieve backache. This track is composed of several frequencies: 0.14, 0.40, 7.50, 55, 96.50, 376.29, 425.09, 571, 833, 932 hz. All frequencies are played simultaneously accompanied with background ambience. (This track is not included in the ZIP file)

For more info please visit Solfeggio website or click the followig links:

Activate Your Higher Mind ➤ Powerful DNA Healing Energy | All 9 Solfeggio Frequencies

Binaural Beat Sleep Meditation:

Full Chakra Healing

Kedvenc képeim

Stresszoldás One Brain módszerrel a III. és XVI. kerületben

Balajthy Gréta Tel: 06 309 323 338

A 3in1Concepts által hivatalosan  meghatalmazott,
nemzetközi okleveles Haladó Konzulens, Haladó Instructor ( Oktató)

Okleveleim, tanáraim 2004-2014


Stúdió: Budapest, III.ker (1036) és XVI.ker (1164)

