What is your perspective? (Neale)

..there is something 'wrong' with everything.
No matter what you are looking at, you can find something wrong with it, something imperfect, something that is not okay with you. Don't worry, if you look hard enough you'll find it.
There is also something 'right' with everything. No matter what you are looking at, you can find something right with it, something perfect.
There remains, then, only one question: What are you going to look at? What are you choosing to notice? What is your perspective?  (I'll bet you already know what God's perspective is...)
Love, Your Friend....


Kedvenc képeim

Stresszoldás One Brain módszerrel a III. és XVI. kerületben

Balajthy Gréta Tel: 06 309 323 338

A 3in1Concepts által hivatalosan  meghatalmazott,
nemzetközi okleveles Haladó Konzulens, Haladó Instructor ( Oktató)

Okleveleim, tanáraim 2004-2014

Email: mosoly100@mosoly100.hu


Stúdió: Budapest, III.ker (1036) és XVI.ker (1164)

