The most relaxing, comfortable, safe, and enjoyable place in the World

The most relaxing, comfortable, safe, and enjoyable place is in your heart.Hang out in that peaceful,cool,calm,serene depth of your bring that is valuable and precious. All negativity disappears when you are in the confines of your heart. The outside world, your doubts and fears, all of your mind games are no longer in charge. You become the King and the Queen of your universe. And its so easy to do, just change your focus.
Kedvenc képeim

Stresszoldás One Brain módszerrel a III. és XVI. kerületben

Balajthy Gréta Tel: 06 309 323 338

A 3in1Concepts által hivatalosan  meghatalmazott,
nemzetközi okleveles Haladó Konzulens, Haladó Instructor ( Oktató)

Okleveleim, tanáraim 2004-2014


Stúdió: Budapest, III.ker (1036) és XVI.ker (1164)

